Trump claims America is in “decline,” requiring his strong arm to fix it. How one defines “decline “depends on one's definition, but 77-odd million US citizens believe that Trump is right.
Looking at the economic indicators, one could define Trump as a nut. Inflation is down from an almost historic high, unemployment is low, millions of new jobs have been created, the stock market has been booming, and wages have gone up.
It sounds like Trump is a nut, but the above indicators are not front and centre with most voters. They are more interested in “Can I afford to live?” Real wages are stuck at a 1978 level, and 90% of the lower—and middle-class population faces 2025 costs.
To the seventy-odd million who voted for Trump, the reality is that their lives are in decline, and what they believe is essential to understand. They do not care what an economist thinks; they look at how their quality of life has declined
Since 2019, the price of eggs has increased 321%, gasoline 21%, and the price of purchasing a home 156%. Trump can stand there proud as punch and say, “Your life was better with me, and I am going to make it better.”
Trump found the perfect 30-second sound bite. In 2016, it was the Washington swamp. In 2024, it is the immigrants. Even though all the data shows it is not true, Trump has convinced his followers that immigrants are the reason for higher crime, changing their communities with all “these black and brown people showing up,” robbing them of social services and much more. He understood that the people were angry and needed someone to blame. That is the immigrants.
The “other side” argued from the perspective of the economists’ truths. Those truths are not what 90% of the population believes directly affects them. With the blame game, they believed that Trump would make their lives better.
Why do you think Trump focused on the price of eggs? Because everyone eats eggs. They were a staple of everyone. Who did not turn to eggs as something they could afford or to make a quick meal? Since 2019, the price has increased by 321%, and people are saying “I cannot even afford eggs.”
Trump focused on eggs and gas because they are easy for people to see. If he reduces the price of eggs and gasoline as he promised, people's lives will improve. Who cares if we know it is a lie? It was hope for all those struggling, and he got elected, so does he care?
Trump understood that people were angry and needed to focus on that anger. The best way? Attack immigrants. They cannot vote, so attacking immigrants would not affect his voting base. All those black and brown people coming into the country are taking your jobs, changing your communities and eating your pets. The voters see the immigrants getting ahead while the Americans are stuck in an economic rut. They do not blame themselves; they blame the immigrants, and Trump used that anger to his advantage.
While the Democrats were discussing respectful immigration policies, Trump said he would come down with a hammer. Does he care about the people? We all know the answer.
Trump saw the attack on immigrants as his way to the White House—he will now follow through because that is what 77 million voted for. He believes the rest will complain, but that does not matter.
Now, it is about keeping his base happy for as long as he can, the impacts on human beings, the truth, be damned.
We are in a period of euphoria for Trump. His supporters are ecstatic that he is in the White House and believe that Trump will improve their lives. This belief is based on hope and anger; it does not matter what anyone argues. His supporters have drunk the Kool-Aid of one of the greatest snake-oil artists of all time.
What to do about it? Focus on the promises that matter to his base, such as the price of eggs and gas. Slowly breed discontent, and as Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Every man of humane convictions must decide on the protest that best suits his convictions, but we must all protest.”
Everyone must decide what their protest is and do it with conviction.
If Trump does not improve his supporters' lives, cracks will form in his porcelain. The cracks will get bigger, and eventually, the bowl will break. It will take time, and we will have to accept that Trump has accomplished his goal of robbing all blind. But now, the important thing is limiting the damage and being ready for 2028.
Best wishes ...