Trudeau is trying to buy our vote with a holiday farce.
Does Trudeau think we can buy a turkey with his GST Relief Farce? This is just another spectre of a Trudeau boondoggle. His "initiative" is to deflect our attention from the poor economy, high interest rates, housing costs, and the cost of food for our tables. A two-month GST relief on select heading into the holidays will not address affordability issues.
Trudeau promises relief, but the reality hits harder than a rogue snowball to the face. It's a targeted GST break that leaves most of us wondering if we’ve somehow stumbled onto a cruel social experiment designed by a team of mischievous economists fueled by lukewarm coffee and existential dread. In short, any politician who thinks we will drink their Kool-Aid should have a better look.
The so-called relief applies to children's clothing, diapers, and prepared hot meals. Children’s clothing? Diapers? Prepared hot meals? Are we in a bizarre parallel universe where the average Canadian family's biggest financial burden involves tiny outfits and instant mashed potatoes? Newsflash, Trudeau: we face extreme rent and grocery and other extreme living costs.
Five percent off children’s clothes. Five percent! Let’s run the numbers. Imagine you're one of those rare souls who can drop $500 on kids' clothes. This "holiday relief" nets you a savings of a whopping $25. Twenty-five dollars. With that, we could buy a third of a six-kilo turkey. At $12.50 per kg—the price today at a major grocery store—we would require a second mortgage to purchase even with the so-called GST relief.
This is from someone who believes he is the best person to navigate Canada’s economic maelstrom! Trudeau has had eight years of us living with his experiment, leaving Canadians struggling with nothing to celebrate. This supposed holiday relief is nothing more than trying to deflect.
Best wishes ....

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